
Our Address

238/1 Outer Circular Road

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About Us

Welcome to BasaChange

Our company offer you a wide range of services that can give you the best experience instead of the hassle of moving while relocating. Our Organizations consists a good number of experienced Packers, Movers, Cleaners & Technicians to provide you a well-planned moving service for shifting your home or office to your new location. Also, pre and post repair and cleaning services are there in store for our client to give them the whole package. One of our added service is to provide Moving Van, Trucks and Pickups on rent to move their belongings safely.
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One Team One Goal

We provide you movers, if you’re looking for logistics to move your valuable belongings to a new location along with the required packing materials like; Boxes, Bubble Wraps, Tapes and Ropes. If you fit the category where you prefer to move things yourself or maybe moving to the building beside your present one, then we can provide you packing materials, adept counselling for what’s best for your shifting tactics, instructions for moving of different packages and also repair services individually. We offer to do all the cleaning for you if quoted and even do the packing for you. In events if you are moving to a far location by packing yourself, we can provide you Transportation to move to your desired location. Our movers are experts & experienced and prefer on holding utmost good faith on non-breakage of your things while moving them to your new permanence.

What Our Founder Says

BasaChange has been in The Moving Business for quite a time now and is a growing business in Dhaka. As moving services are getting common nowadays around Dhaka, BasaChange started as a solo initiative by our Founder Mohammed Shahin to gather professional and expert handymen to provide tremendous relocation work and cleaning services in Dhaka. Instead of gathering any Day-Labours from places, BasaChange has gathered professional movers, cleaners & technicians from around Bangladesh with a thorough background check and post training. We have took an oath to turn the moving business from a service to an experience to remember.
Mohammed Shahin, Founder and CEO, Basachange
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Our Founder's Story

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Our Founder Mohammed Shahin was born in the year 1990 in a mediocre family in a village of Mymensingh, Bangladesh. He studied till 4th Grade and had to do work here and there at Mymensingh to earn his family of five a living. As expenses were getting higher and earning narrowing down, In 2007 Mr. Shahin moved to the capital in search of work. He was knocking shop to shop, office to office to get any work available to earn his living and have a stand in the city. He received a job for a small salary of 800 taka a month. He worked his way up and kept on doing multiple jobs at a time. He would except to do any work that’s legal and which would pay him an amount that could earn him and his family a living. Doing various jobs and working hard throughout he was able to make a stand in the capital and continue living. He never expressed a desire to earn a lot of money, but always had that ambition to run a business that would be unique. With a lot of struggle, completing a bunch of tasks and overcoming a lot of hurdles Mohammed Shahin Managed to start his very own business This is what our Founder has to say about this, “BasaChange isn’t just a business organization for me to earn a load of money. This is a projection of my hard work and ambition together. The support that I got from my family, this is the output of that. When I came to Dhaka I could barely send money home to feed the family of 4 and eat myself. Now I have a wife and a kid added to my family and By the Grace of Allah I’m Doing well. Alhamdulillah.”

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